Home » Archives for May 2016 Aspen University : School Of Nursing Aspen University's Mission Statement Aspen is devoted to offering any persuaded school commendable understudy the chance to get a hi... Denisha Firdania 5/28/2016 Cornell University Cornell University is a secretly blessed examination college or school and some individual of the consistent state School of NY. As the go... Denisha Firdania 5/22/2016 Auburn University Auburn University was built up in 1856 as the East Alabama Male College, 20 years after the area of Auburn's establishing. In 1872, und... Denisha Firdania 5/18/2016 Grantham University Grantham University was founded in 1951 by WWII Veteran Donald Grantham, whose desire was to help fellow veterans enhance their lives thro... Denisha Firdania 5/17/2016 Duke University History Duke University in Durham, NC, remnants its roots to 1838, when Methodist and Quaker families within rural Randolph County used Brantley... Denisha Firdania 5/09/2016 Cabrini College A brief history of Cabrini College In 1957, the actual Missionary Siblings of the Holy Heart associated with Jesus (MSC), the spiritual ... Denisha Firdania 5/02/2016 Newer Posts Older Posts Home